Iles Park Fundraiser – SaveAround coupon books

The Iles Park Neighborhood Association is selling SaveAround coupon books as a fundraiser. This year’s book is smaller in size but not smaller value – made to fit the average purse or glove box. It has local and national coupons and is good until 12/31/2025 – very good deal – for $25.00. New books are available!… Continue reading Iles Park Fundraiser – SaveAround coupon books

IPNA Flapjack Fundraiser – July 23, 8-10am

Join the Iles Park Neighborhood Association for our breakfast fundraiser! Applebee’s, 2554 Sunrise Drive, Springfield, IL Pancakes, sausage & a drink for $5, served by Iles Park neighborhood residents! (Regular menu not available during fundraiser.) $4 of every ticket goes to Iles Park NA. Buy tickets from any IPNA Board member: Curt, Connie, Carol or… Continue reading IPNA Flapjack Fundraiser – July 23, 8-10am